Top 10 Core Strengthening Exercises You Need To Incorporate Today

Top 10 Core Strengthening Exercises You Need To Incorporate Today

For a body to be healthy and fit its heart must be strong. Core strength is essential for everyday moves, balance and avoiding injuries whether you’re an athlete, a fitness fanatic or someone who desires to improve your health. Your core muscles which contain your abs, obliques and lower back keep your body stable, protect your spine and help you do many things quickly and easily.

We’ll discuss the best workouts for building your core. These routines work all your core muscles helping you get more robust, stable and lasting. These workouts will help you make a stronger, more sturdy core whether you’re a beginner or want to improve your current practice.

10 Best Core Strengthening Exercises 


Doing the plank is one of the easiest ways to strengthen your core. Planks work the muscles in your lower back and abs. To do a plank do the following:

  • Begin by doing a push up with your arms straight out before you.
  • Make sure your body is lined up straight.
  • Stay in this position for as long as it feels good.
  • As your core strengthens, start with shorter periods and slowly add more time.

Russian Twists 

Russian twists strengthen your core because they work your abs and obliques. They help improve rotational moves which are suitable for sports. To do the Russian Twist:

  • Put your feet flat on the ground and bend your knees.
  • As you slowly lift your feet off the ground, lean back a little.
  • Bring your hands to the outside of your right hip and twist your body to the right. Hold your hands together in front of your chest.
  • Go back to where you started and do it again with the other side.

Dead Bug 

The Dead Bug exercise is excellent because it works all core muscles simultaneously. It works well to make your stomach stronger. Here how to get better at the dead bug:

  • Lay on your back and raise your arms.
  • Make sure your knees are bent to the back.
  • Bring your left leg and right arm down slowly to the floor.
  • Don’t let your lower back touch the ground at any time.
  • Do the same thing again with the other side.


The simple crunch is an integral part of any core workout.

  • Lay on your back with your feet flat and your knees bent.
  • Put both hands behind your head.
  • Lift your upper body with your center while letting out a breath.
  • Don’t pressure your neck start with 10 to 15 reps for two to three sets.

Bicycle Crunches 

Bicycle crunches are a step up from crunches. They’re a popular way to strengthen your core and make you more stable and flexible.

  • Put your hands behind your head and lie on your back.
  • Get your legs off the ground.
  • Bring your left knee and right arm together.
  • Stretch out your right leg at the same time.
  • Switch sides like you’re pedaling.


The spine and hip extensors get a lot stronger with the Superman practice.

  • Put your arms out in front of you and your legs straight as you lie on the floor face down.
  • To make it look like you’re flying, lift your arms, chest and legs simultaneously.

Hollow Body Hold 

The Hollow Body Hold works on the lower back obliques and abs.

  • Lay on your back with your legs and arms spread out.
  • Lift your head shoulders and feet a few inches above the ground. Then press your lower back into the floor.
  • Keep your body in this pose to work your whole core.

Leg Raises 

Another joint exercise used in many core training routines is the leg raise.

  • Lay on your back with your hands under your hips.
  • Get your legs off the ground. Keep them straight.
  • Bring them back down to the floor but don’t touch them.
  • Do this as many times as you want.

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers do hard interval training HIIT which is excellent for the core.

  • You should do a push up and keep your hands under your shoulders.
  • Moving like you’re running brings one knee to your chest and the other side.

Medicine Ball Slams 

You can work out your whole body with medicine ball hits, not just your core.

  • Hold a medicine ball over your head and stand up straight.
  • Force the ball to the ground and then catch it as it bounces.


A strong core is essential for staying fit and stable and avoiding injuries. Including these top 10 moves in your workout program can make your middle more robust and flexible. These workouts will work your abs obliques and lower back improving your stance balance and helpful power no matter how much experience you have as an athlete. To build your core strength start with easy exercises for you eventually making them more complicated as you get stronger. Being consistent is essential so keep pushing yourself and you’ll soon see how having a strong core helps you.

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